Saturday 17 January 2015


Pengertian Narrative Text 

By: Miss Wulan
narrative text menceritakan tentang pohon durian dan lelaki tua

A. Ringkasan Materi 
     1. Purpose                 : To entertain / amuse the readers.
        (Menghibur pembacanya)

     2. Generic Structure :

         a. Orientation       : who/what/where/when
             (Pengenalan tokoh, waktu dan tempat.)
         b. Complication  : conflict
             (Pengembangan Masalah)
         c. Resolution      : solving the conflict
             (Penyelesaian masalah)
         d. Re-orientation: moral value / message
             (Pelajaran yang dapat dipetik dari cerita)
    3. Language Features:
        a. Dealing with Past tense, etc.
        b. Adverb of time: once upon a time, a long time ago, in faraway land, etc.

B. The First Exercise Of Narrative Text! 

The Old Man and The Durian Tree 
      A long time ago lived an old man whose age was over 80 years old. The was planting a durian tree when he was observed by a neighbour. ( A durian is a thorny fruit with a very pungent smell. It is known as the King of Fruits and is very popular in South-east Asia.)
     The neighbour asked the old man,”Do you expect to eat durian from that tree? The durian tree will take about 8 to 10 years to bear fruit.”
    The old man rested smilingly on his spade. He said,”No, at my age I know, I won’t. All my life, I have been enjoying durians, but never from a tree whichI have planted before. I wouldn’t have had durians if other men have not done like what I am doing now. I am just trying to pay the other men who have planted durians for me.” No wonder, he looked so happy.
    We should be givers first and getters second in everything we do. We will not only get what we want but we will be really happy in the end. Because we need to sow first before we can reap.
Adopted from: 

1. What is the purpose of the text?
     a. To amuse the readers
     b. To critique certain people
     c. To inform about a good event
     d. To describe a specific person
2. What can we learn from the story?
    a. We should be givers first
    b. We should enjoy planting trees
    c. We should be disciplined
    d. We should love our environment
3. What can we conclude from the text?
    a. The old man was kind
    b. The old man didn’t like durians
    c. Someone had asked the man to plant durians
    d. The old man possibly would have time to enjoy the durians.
4. “Do you expect to eat durians from that tree?” the word “expect” means...
    a. Know
    b. Enjoy
    c. Hope
    d. Need
5. “I am just trying to pay the other men who...(paragraph 3)”. The word “I” refers to...
   a. The neighbour
   b. Durian
   c. The old man
   d. The other men

The key 
1. A
2. A
3. A
4. C
5. C